Immigration Attorneys Review Every Application


We eliminate the hassle of getting a US visa

Can I Get Married With A Tourist Visa?

Falling in love is one of those events that can happen to anyone and can sweep with everything in its way. If for any reason, you fell in love in the United States with a local, and you are on vacations with a tourist visa, you may have wondered if you can get married, among other concerns such as the requirements, and the rights you acquire with this action. The truth of the matter is,

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Tourist Visa Procedure If You´Re Not At Your Home Country

There have recently been some relatively recent modifications regarding the procedure for applying for a United States Visa in Ecuador. Some of the new requirements include mandatory interviews for every candidate. The United States Department of State has consular offices in the provinces of Zamora, Loja, Cañar, Azuay, El Oro, Los Ríos, Manabí, Galápagos, Santa Elena, Guayas and Chinchipe. Nevertheless, the process for the US visa in Ecuador is carried out only in the offices

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Tourist Visa Procedure If You´Re Not At Your Home Country

Planning on applying for a tourist visa for the United States in a country that is not the one you usually live in? Then you must follow a series of rules because this is not always possible. Authorities have named this procedure as a request from Third Country Nationals or TCN. In this article, we discuss some inconveniences that could come up when you apply for a tourist visa in third countries. Be sure to

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